worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

before u start flaming me for who i am,im gonna set the fact straight.im a 15 years old kid who see the world through my 2 eyes.i am,however,a single person with my own point of view.i can't be everyone,no i can't.my speech doesn't represent those other than me.my words are merely conveyed from my own perspective,all from my fcked up little mind ;- doesn't require others to agree with my statement.and yes,i know.arguable,but not worth your damn attention.

i can't be everyone,because im always wrong in every ways.

a distortion to yours,a symphony to mine

Create a playlist at MixPod.com

Friday, February 26, 2010


hari yg...agak memenatkn...x,mengeringkan.

mati2 igt hri ni ade koko.rpenye xde.instead of going home n tolong mk aq,i went to cc.which i deeply regret.
aq x slhkn sesape...mmg my fault.
sian mak aq niaga sorang2 :(
aq blik umah,she's asleep,kepenatan.
mak,im sorry :(

cc,bli latest issue of gempak,green tea 9....
another step further from my dream :(
wonder if i cn make it bfore pc fair....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


didnt go to school....again.
due to utter depression.and a slight feeling of guilt.
better x prgi dri mnyakitkn hati org ye tak?

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Seminggu cuti.da abes da pn.havent been writing fr a while.trfikir gak ape yg aq wat sminggu ni...
keje...lkes...blaja smething bru...layan pc...
bnde yg leh wat aq melekat 24 jam.

saya bukanlah orang yg berada,tapi saya memanfaatkan apa yg sye ada... :)
apparently,statement di atas refers kpd pc sye.which,oddly havent been given a name by me.


emulator is a hardware device or a program that pretends to be another particular device or program that other components expect to interact with.senang kte,its something that duplicates the functions of another system using a different system.so the first system has the exact same features whereas the duplicated system.still confusing?

PCSX 2 enables u to play PlayStation 2 games on ur PC.
so PCSX 2 is an emulator.it duplicates the function of a PS2,n applied it to be playable on a PC.

get it?
n knape aq ckp psl emulator?
coz aq minat,n wondering cmne ia dihasilkn...
its amazing,at least for me.
emulator gak wat hidup aq lbih complete haha
sbab most game yg aq men kat pc aq,pkai emulator

here's some of the emulators i have.

 Gameboy advance.bah.common.snang crik.a good emulator to kill some time.pc noob2 pn leh maen


 Nintendo DS.nice.bhgian touch pad kne click pki mouse . enjoyable.

if ur looking for a good emulator for multiplay,Nintendo64 is da best choice :) (up to 4 people,split screen) the emulator cn find n list down cheat codes avail automatically.so u cn turn it on n off . works pretty much like gameshark .the graphic is good.at least better than PlayStation1.smoother edge.
* FIFA 99...classic... love playing it with my bro.its laughable.n just plain amusing.maen cm org bodo*

My favourite emulator. GameCube (dolphin)
the graphic is better than ps2,n it runs smoothly with my pc.sadly,its impossible to find gamecube disk anywhere nowadays.with its competitor,Ps2 all over the market.so i've to download the game ISO,which is 1.2+GB per game.n i wouldnt guarantee tht the games will work perfectly.afterall,ISO format is just a mere ripoff from the disk.so yeah,its a great emulator:)
if u hav no problem downloading massive files n willing to do that for every title,why not give it a try? :)
*i have 9 game ISOs,1+GB each.4 games works,the other 5's a failure... membazir 6GB download*

PlayStation 2

nasihat aq...
komputer noob sure xleh maen.
u'll need a fast computer in order to make it run.
i got 42 frame rate per second during cutscenes and a mere 12 while playing == effin slow.
it works.komputer kne laju,n grafik kne tinggi.RAM at least 2GB.
does it works on my pc?yes,playable?no. bek aq gi men farmville.

*Game baru Silent Hill:Shattered Memories....bru kuar 10th February ari tu....Nak maen.... tp slow .... sdey gle *

n here's some other emulators.yg aq xde game die,tp emulator ade.

Sony PSP.i dont have any game.

Xbox.dont have game ==

nintendo wii
it uses the same emulator as gamecube.pretty sure it'll work,but i dnt have any wii game.sesape yg ade,bleh bg pnjam~

PlayStation 1
ni plg bengong.xleh men sbab its only fr windows 95 dan yg sewaktu dgannye.da set compatibility,still xley.who cares.ko nk men ps1?

here's a fact.its legal to own an emulator,but its illegal to download their games (mcm aq wat ntuk gamecube) n burn it into a disk for distribution.at least aq x distribute.

Setakat ni aq x jmpe lgi emulator PS3 n Xbox360...tp klau ade....rse2 nye bek ko buang je pc ko pastu bli console...

jgn tnye aq knape aq x bli je console sebijik.ni nmenye memanfaatkn ape yg kte ada
lgpun aq bkan byk duit ....n mak aq xkan bagi pnyer....



Saturday, February 13, 2010

okay...but i have to say sorry

i acknowledge ur presence...
not that im being ignorant...
yes,i knw ur there,just looking.
seems like u knw what im like,no?
u knw much.

hi...im sorry...but the answer is no...
its not like i hate u...
but its just no....
cheer up.
there's someone waaaaay better than the one u seek.
u tried.i appreciate it :) i feel special. bt dont stop trying.
forget me...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"You've changed." Yeah, it's called growing up. I think you should try it" hm?

are changes necessary?
does growing up makes you blame others for your own thought?
no,more like you'd blame your thoughts for your own actions.
does growing up means tht u have to question evrybody's statements?when they're just trying to say something...
n...does it makes u forget...what ur friends are for...
no?thats not the case then....
growing up means a lot to me...
it makes me feel lower than everybody...
no matter how much ive changed,my view towards my friends just wouldnt.
having friends is what makes life's bullshit fall off ur back a lot easier....
in a good way...
i appreciates them,trying so hard not to hurt them...
n myself...
as for me,growing up makes me a stronger person...
but both my sensitivity,n fragility is just something that i cant seem to shake off....

its amazing when 2 strangers become best friends ; but its sad when 2 best friends become stranger...

im sorry

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

o hai

feelin fcked up.

o hai,dnt want talk much.not in da mood.yep,fcked up.mybe tonite i hav somethn in mind 2 babble about.bai.o ya,changed layout,not mine,got it from a website.too busy to make my own.but in progress.i dnt like it tht much.layout name emo?pssh.i see nothin emo.just vectors.bai.

Monday, February 1, 2010

spinning around in circle,chasing its tail

1st of all,aq rse brsalah sgt coz x dtg skola ari ni...
ia tidak dsengajakan...
smua da siap,da jln da pn.da tggu bas...
wlaupun aq ckp2 xnk dtg smalam....
normally what came out frm my mouth wasnt really prior to its intention...
xde niat pn xnak datang ari ni...
tggu pnye tggu smpai 7.50am bas x dtg2....
ape nsib...balik umah je la....

rse brsalah,why?

Amin's english ex book,alep's math 3...
both with me...
supposedly handed up by today...

now tell me,who wouldnt?

sorry la sgt2....tidak dsengajakan....

tagged...a lil something bout me...

tagged on a note.jst thought that id post it here.hey,do u need to share ur whole life story on facebook.cheh.

B - BIRTHDAY: 24th dec
C - CRUSHING ON: do i need to tell you?
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Lipton clear green
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: alep,syai,amin,izzat
F - FAVORITE SONG :too many...esp dri Versailles n matenrou opera
H - HOMETOWN: hmm...Sagil,tangkak...ohh Gunung Ledang...
I - IN LOVE WITH: my pc
J - JUGGLE: not quite
K - KILLED SOMEONE: someday..
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: can't remember
O - ONE WISH: i wish i can do something useful
R - REASON TO SMILE: a good internet connection
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: Red carpet day-Versailles
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: um...6.30 pm...reversed sleeping time much.
V - VEGETABLE(S): Broccoli,carrot,salad
W - WORST HABIT: mood swing
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: cant remember...
Y – YOYO IS: shiny :o
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn

Random Questions About You:
Spell your name without vowels: Fz bn Kms (physics bin chemistry?lol)
What color do you wear most?: black...black...black...mostly dark colours
Least favorite color?: Yellow...ugh
What are you listening to?: Moi Dix Mois-Nocturnal Romance...
Are you happy with your life right now?: i am happy wth what i am :) but hoping for a change
What is your favorite class in school?: Art bebeh,Art.and english.
Are you outgoing?:nope
Favorite pair of shoes?:kasut skola
Where do you wish you were right now?: Hutan Bandar.dont ask.

Can you dance?: nope.but on a DDR machine,im kicking !
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: too bad.i can't..
Can you whistle?: no...
Write with both hands?: nope
Walk with your toes curled?: yep :D

Do you believe there is life on other planets?: call me weird,but yeah.the universe is full of wonders le.
Do you believe in miracles?: yeah.esp when ur playing dota.
Do you believe in magic?: yea mon,black magic
Love at first sight?: yeah (referring to my fav things to buy)
Do you believe in Satan?: yep
Do you believe in Santa?: a big NO
Do you know how to swim?: i thnk so...no kot...idk.havent been swimming fr a long tym.
Do you like roller coasters?: YEAH MON
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality show?: Goat's brain?pig's intestine?tarantula?cheh.nope.

Have you ever been on a plane?: never had the chance to...
Have you ever asked someone out?: yep.to cc.wasnt expecting that?too bad.be more specific next tym dumbass
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: yep
Have you ever been to the ocean?: i wish...
Have you ever painted your nails?: fcuk

What is the temperature outside?: 26 degree celcius
What radio station do you listen to?: Japan-A-Radio...n Hitz.fm
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Hamid.oh maggie goreng ayam.
What was the last thing you bought?: Van Houten
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: Last week's Motivasi Pagi

Who was the last person you IM'd?: Amin.
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Syai.
Who was the last person you said I love you to?: ....

Ever cried over the opposite sex?: nope
Ever really cried your heart out?: yeah...
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yeah.don't ask me why..
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: nope.most of the tym ppl dnt even knw im crying.
Do you cry when you get an injury?: nope.gila lembik.
Do certain songs make you cry?: surprisingly,yes.but absolutely not love songs.ugh

Are you a happy person?: not really..
What can make you happy?: music...manganime...games...
Do you wish you were happier?:hell yeah
Can music make you happy?: definitely

How many times have you had your heart broken?: never
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them?: nope.why would i.

Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: neither
Single or Group Dates: single date
Chocolate or Vanilla: Choco FTW
Strawberries or Blueberries: Blueberries~
Meat or Veggies: daging :D
TV or Movie: Moviee!
Guitar or Drums?: guitar :)
Adidas or Nike: nike
Chinese or Mexican: chinese :D
Cheerios or Corn Flakes: corn flakes
Cake or Pie: Pie