worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

before u start flaming me for who i am,im gonna set the fact straight.im a 15 years old kid who see the world through my 2 eyes.i am,however,a single person with my own point of view.i can't be everyone,no i can't.my speech doesn't represent those other than me.my words are merely conveyed from my own perspective,all from my fcked up little mind ;- doesn't require others to agree with my statement.and yes,i know.arguable,but not worth your damn attention.

i can't be everyone,because im always wrong in every ways.

a distortion to yours,a symphony to mine

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Monday, November 29, 2010

black ops

as the title suggest,its all about black ops this time.yes,the highly anticipated game of the year that was made as the highlight of interweb traffics mainly centres in game and hardware forums and again,a title that sparked yet another controversy despite its hollywood-rated cinematography,in the end its all about the hype

okay im starting to sound like some guys on ign.
black ops made it way into the platform 3 weeks ago.i got the game a week later.
i really wanted to see how it turned out,so i bought a copy of it.illegally.
my first impression on it was...very satisfying.
there are some parts that had blown my mind,n there are some which appears dull throughout the level.
the second mission on vorkuta left me with repetitive playback.i  kept playing that level over and over again.
reasons?the reappearance of Viktor Reznov.

            "Victory cannot be achieved without sacrifice, Mason... We Russians know this better than anyone"

that same Reznov from World at war Russian campaign,how i loved that campaign.his inspirational word of wise was what drove me forward,regardless how much of a failure i experienced throughout the level.i may be exaggerating things here.im not even Russian,lol.but it all seems surreal.the character itself was meant to seed the patriotism and love for the country,the sacrificial willingness crucial for ensuring victories.
funny,i find myself repeatedly chanting the 8 steps to freedom at the event of the vorkuta raid.
worse,i felt a great loss as the prisoners drop like flies,one by one
and the death of  Sergei kozin,the monster of Magadan left a big gap in my head.
what a waste of potential it was

feeling  mixed up emotions of fictional game characters?someone help me. (;_;)
ive wandered off too deep into the understanding of visual culture,now i wonder if im still normal *sigh*

another thing that made the game great was the fact that Mason was voiced by Sam Worthington.that dude who played  Jake sully and Marcus wright.what more can i say,he did a pretty damn good job on the voice.

regarding the storyline,it was acceptable.i liked it better than modern warfare2,which was damn straightforward and predictable.meh.
for someone who oppose the mainstream as myself,i needed a twist;just like what black ops had offered.though the whole thing was made for the mainstream,anyway.
though the game did sparked another controversy,just as its predecessor did.
where you were ordered an assassination on Fidel Castro,while he's probably living his days with his family somewhere on the other side of the earth.

i dont see why i should hate Treyarch.he did a great job on this,not the perfect kind of game that deserves a solid 10 out of 10 but it was worth it.totally a top of the chart for a fps game.

people buy modern warfare for the change of pace,from the early days of world war to the modern-day crisis.Infinity Ward had done it,the game received multiple awards in 2007.
then came world at war.people buy it,thinking it was from the same developer,just to be turned down by the revert of setting back to WW2 by Treyarch.
modern warfare 2,the most overrated game of the decade,if not year,was the pride of all gamers.
it seems to me that IW got cocky and end up making the multiplayer tad imbalanced.too much,actually.
it was too mainstream.too much of a cliche.nil
i still remember those past few months where you couldnt escape from a featured "MW2 Kill Montage" clips somewhere around your youtube homepage.im sick of it myself.
now dont be surprise if black ops had taken the throne.

thats it for now.its the first time im writing an up to date on video games,as i just got my graphic card a few months ago.and i didnt own a supercomputer before.or even a console.

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