worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

before u start flaming me for who i am,im gonna set the fact straight.im a 15 years old kid who see the world through my 2 eyes.i am,however,a single person with my own point of view.i can't be everyone,no i can't.my speech doesn't represent those other than me.my words are merely conveyed from my own perspective,all from my fcked up little mind ;- doesn't require others to agree with my statement.and yes,i know.arguable,but not worth your damn attention.

i can't be everyone,because im always wrong in every ways.

a distortion to yours,a symphony to mine

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Thursday, June 3, 2010

i should've gave up...senang.


for the past few weeks ive been very busy with works...
currently working on designs for Dinamik 2010 covers...
well...at least aku nak tinggalkan sesuatu dkt sekolah ni....
tak nak la kwujudan aku dlupakan cmtu je,,,
mcm skolah2 lame dlu...
brbalik pd topik asal...
few weeks ago official fb page ntuk smk perling ade hantar message kat inbox aku...
open kpada smua pelajar smksp.
tnye if berminat nk masuk cover design contest...
aku yg tak mnyerlah dkt skolah ni pn ignore je la invitation tu...
walaupun ade pengalaman yg tak seberapa dlm digital graphic...
mcm aku ckp,aku x menyerlah kat skolah
kewujudan aku?snang dlupakan.
dlm kpala aku fikir brape ramai student smksp masuk...
memang sah aku takde chance menang...

tapi eventually i find myself doing the cover for fun...
dan post dkt fb ntuk dpt feedback,pandangan orang rmai...
ade la sedikit respon yg membantu...kritikan membina...
mmg aku nk ucap terima kasih bebanyak...

sejak dri tu aku cbe improve design...tnye pandangan cikgu...dptkan partner ntuk switch ideas..
rujuk2 cover majalah sekolah lain@yg lepas...
dan by partner,aku ade tukar2 resource dengan kwn2 yg ade pengalaman with PS..
project ni adalah joint venture brsama Amin K.

idea takkan datang dkat aku unless aku bukak new canvas kat photoshop dan fill background dgan warna hitam...
senang ckap ia datang secara spontan,,,dan biasanya berasaskan warna gelap...
warna terang?aku?takkan menjadi.
semua design akan dinilai oleh pengetua...
satu lagi masalah,kne titikberatkan kemahuan die....
mungkin kita puas dengan hasil kerja kita,tapi ape kata 1000+ warga smksp yg lain?
maybe aku sukakan warna gelap.tapi ade kemungkinan majoriti suka warna terang.
Dinamik ni bukan untuk tatapan kita sorang je,keep that in mind

so bwat cover ni bkan sje maen taram je letak brush cam hape kejadah...
sekurang-kurangnya kne ade motif...
peraturan baru contest ni,setiap design kne letak keterangan.
bkannye masalah sgt...check keterangan rekaan cover yg lepas2
bnda yg tak brkaitan pn jadik la....
janji berteraskan nilai murni sudaa

after putting others thoughts into consideration... a few cover design was made...
mostly are revamped rejected products
confucius said : one man's garbage is another man's treasure

tapi...above all...aku perlu tulis yang design cover ni cumalah side project aku...
main project...agak lama tergendala...aku terfikir gak nak sambung ke tak,,,
memandangkan aku takda real-life experience dalam bidang tu...
i'll try my best

boleh pulak lambat2?bukan patut bulan 4 da kne hntar?
well...lets say yang aq ada connection dengan kwn2 dlm sidang redaksi,,,.
bantu mmbantu la...

my message to other designers,
take your chance.
dont keep the thought of "doing this halfheartedly,we're newbies,winning is impossible"and all those negative perception to yourselves.

you have something that i dont have:-creativity

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