worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

worthless thoughts and opinions that doesn't worth your attention

before u start flaming me for who i am,im gonna set the fact straight.im a 15 years old kid who see the world through my 2 eyes.i am,however,a single person with my own point of view.i can't be everyone,no i can't.my speech doesn't represent those other than me.my words are merely conveyed from my own perspective,all from my fcked up little mind ;- doesn't require others to agree with my statement.and yes,i know.arguable,but not worth your damn attention.

i can't be everyone,because im always wrong in every ways.

a distortion to yours,a symphony to mine

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Sunday, June 27, 2010


and tonight~we can truly say,together we're invincible

cilok lirik muse-invincible sket.
why muse?rase2nye aku da addicted.
dulu aku dok fikir diorang ni 'another one of those mainstream suckers who yearn fames through craps they call music'
dont worry,selalunya aku salah so,bear with it.kte tak ptut jdik closed-minded all the time & xnak terima bnde baru.boundaries shift,new player steps in.

so there,aku salah.
sjak aku dgr lgu resistance from a friend,rse cam expecting more frm them.
then comes 'newborn' heck,instant addiction?something like that.
my fav song from them for now.currently digging through their old songs.
old,meaningful songs.
one similar to 'undisclosed desires' and 'uprising'.
rythmic empathy much?try it.
apocalypse now-kesedaran ttg btapa dktnye kte dgn end of the world.
despites having to convert "come on it's time for something 'biblical' to 'lyrical' everytime,its a very soothing song,at the same time,conveys desperation.
tak lupa music videos diorng yg stereodically amusing.watch invincible~

being a new fan,aku recently found out yg diorg ad sumbangkn a few track for toilet...twilight saga.
such a waste of good music kot.

quote dri seorang blogger yg famous(xde maksud tersirat,nnti lu attack gua,susah)
"its my perspective,what's yours?"

habis commercial break
despairing post.u wont,if not rarely see it here.sbab?.
aku paranoid,senang affected dgn various mindfuck dalam dunia siber ni,tak brmakna aku perlu bitch(insert other appropriate term) about it everytime.
aku suka blogwalk,klau tak BS,livejournal,wordpress,typepad etc trmasuk la forum2 yg pelbagai.
kdang2 tergelak sorang2 smbil bce post orang laen & response yg diorang dpt.

pd mse yg same,aku observe.

ada mase aku stumbled across blog yg agak melancholic,suram,ttg masalah,sedih,x puas hati dan sewaktu dengannya.
sure,aku bce.simpati dah terbuku di dada.whatever the stated problem is.but above all - out of curiousity.
biasanya dalam situasi tersebut,aku tak tinggalkan ape2.no comment,no nothing.
bukan apa.dsbabkan nature aku yg harem x pndai jage hati org.ble buat something,disalah anngap.

"pais,u could always lie"

oh,yeah.haah.tipu je la that i care kan.words cant describe ur feelings.(tapi emoticon boleh = (=^w^=)/"))
right.just say something.
say that u care,i feel for u,get well soon et cetera2
sure,as long as they're happy.when ur dont even mean it.
done.ko akan fikir yg the problem's solved.seronok kan being unsincere?

but i didnt,i wont

i assure u bukan aku seorang je yg fikir camtu.
so does other bloggers.get the fact,they are troubled with that post.

tak,aku bukan nk kecam post2 sebegitu ke apa.blogging is a supportive medium for freedom of expression.
strictly speaking,exactly what im doing now.
cuma if ur in trouble,knapa tak luangkan masa dgn orang yg trdekat?tanye pndapat diorang,physical interaction weh.much more efficient.
u cant expect much from a post.
ur post wont help u.
you will have to help yourself

dan ada jgak yg fikir diorg nmpak hebat~blog post berayat2 sadis,they say hidup diorang teruk etc~
klau satu dua post boleh la lg diterima.ni dah smpai the whole blog suram je.maybe tu msg yg mereka cbe smpaikan.fikir visitors akn anggap diorang ni cam gloomy,emotional,melancholic but the fact =

just another attention-seeker 

people are gradually getting sick of it.

individual attack-another serious problem.blog yg ditulis khas ntuk menjatuhkan name seseorang.
biasenye tak la stated terang2
"aku benci seseorang,name die Ahmad,die bajet hensem,die ingat die pndai sgt.dpan org tnjuk baek"
ironically,blog2 sebegini ditulis dgn ayat2 yang amat la mendalam.
maksud tersirat,kasi korek dalam dlu baru dpt.nk bce post ni kne perah otak sket.

"ko dah tolak aku jatuh basikal" - tikam dri blakang
contoh plg senang yg aku prnah jmpe.

klau x bagi perumpamaan pun,si penulis akan berfalsafah sket.so,baca,renungkan dan nilai diri sendiri.

siapa tau.mgkin ade org bwat post pasal kita.

aku tak nak ckp banyak la.kang org panggil aku hipokrit.
aku brcakap brdasarkan pengalaman yg x seberapa ni.siape la aku nk mnilai orang lain.
korang je yg layak nilai diri sndiri.
dan aku brcakap secara generally.tak targetted kpd sesiape dlm follower list aku.
follower aku 7 org ni baek2,bce la blog diorang ^_^

kpd bbrape org anonymous yg da siap bookmark blog aku yg ntah pape ni,trima kseh la sbab sokong aku smpai kat sini.x kisah la nk follow ke x.aku pn da bosan kot ngan wordpress.
takde lg despairing blog gitu.
dripd sakitkn hti org
baik aku dok wat post pasal henpon,pc,botol air & bapak aku.
next time aku rase nk wat post pasal kucing aku

chow,take care.

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